
Dealing with anything electrical for residential, commercial or industrial we often rely on the guidelines set forth by the NEC – National Electrical Code Association. This ensures a standard practice is used to limit unwanted premature failures and protect the safety to people working in the vicinity. We adopted our company name as simply CODE Limited to demonstrate our commitment to NEC’s best practices.

Our focus is leveraging leading technology instruments so we can provide an accurate story for our clients. CODE Limited has a team of highly trained staff in areas such as: Industrial Electrical, Level 2 FLIR Thermography Testing and PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) best practices.

We understand the need of electricity in this digital age, power interruption even for a short amount of time can greatly impact a customer financially. This is why we are committed in satisfying our customers in providing a nonstop 24 hour a day 7 days a week Satisfaction Guaranteed Service.

How well do you know your electrical requirements? We can help you design a preventive maintenance program, regular system up keep, and a better understanding of your electrical equipment current condition.

In the event of an electrical failure claim, we provide the necessary certificates and documentation for new installations, alterations or additions as evidence needed to assist our customers deal with the regulating bodies.  CODE Limited is fully Licensed and Insured in the event of an accident.

Our goal is zero electrical business interruption and zero injuries. We strive to being the best electrical service contractors in Bermuda.

We look forward to seeing you,


Steve Woods & Ron Gilchrist
Founders of CODE Limited