Why use CODE Electricians

CODE Limited, provides comprehensive electrical solution to the private and public sectors on any size of electrical projects and preventive services.

We pride ourselves on bringing innovative technologies to help mitigate risk.

Our goal is to offer the best value, excellent workmanship with guaranteed service.

Get the peace of mind you deserve with CODE Limited, Bermuda’s electrical services providers .


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FLIR Technology
See more with thermal imaging. The World’s Sixth Sense.
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FLIR Technology – CODE LIMITED Level 2 Thermographers
Code Limited excels at bringing forward innovative technologies to manage risk & uncovering early signs of failure
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NFPA 70B – National Fire Protection Association
Approximately 66% of all electrical distribution fires losses could have been prevented
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IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Not having a preventive maintenance program statistically shows an increase of 300% in electrical systems components failure(s)

Vision Statement

CODE Limited’s Vision is to provide peace of mind for our customers dependence of electrical power.

Our client friendly team of certified electrical technicians, are always there to teach safe and secure best practices following the National Electrical Code to deliver reliable power.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Steve Woods & Ron Gilchrist
Founders of CODE Limited



Electrical maintenance covers all aspects of testing, monitoring, fixing, and replacing elements of an electrical system. Early identification of electrical problems is a key aspect of preventive maintenance. Many basic problems can be easily identified at an early stage and addressed immediately, avoiding costly disruption and prevent equipment damage if ignored.

Our licensed professional provides the recommended scheduled tasks as mentioned by the National Electric Code and provides documentation records in accordance with the Manufacture and the Building Insurance regulations.

No commercial facility should be without a scheduled electrical preventive program.

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A fresh set of eyes can quickly uncover areas missed when trying to resolve an electrical problem. CODE Limited can isolate the failure(s), saving clients time and money by avoiding costly premature equipment replacement(s). Our goal is to extend the life of the equipment and maximizing the payback period.

We begin by isolating the failed component(s), understanding the intended design, gather information such as installation error(s) and/or manufacturer defect(s). We proceed by correcting/repairing the damaged component(s), exercising the system to ensure it functions as it was intended to avoid future failures.


Ongoing safety improvements in Bermuda and Internationally are mandating regular testing and certifications to ensure they remain compliant with regulators such as Bermuda Health & Safety and Building Insurance Agreements. Negligence has resulted in costly fines and damages including preventable injuries sometimes leading to death. Our reports and certifications meets the requirements set by regulators. In the event of a claim that injury or fire was caused by an electrical installation, we provide certificates and documentations needed to satisfy and comply with safety standards.

CODE Limited can provide electrical certification for new installations, alterations and/or additions.

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There are many items to consider when dealing with anything electrical; clearance space, wire code, proper ground, ventilation, warning labels, access restrictions, City Permits, PPE – Personal Protection Equipment etc.

A simple and small oversight can quickly become a time consuming task. Include CODE Limited as part of your planning stage can help you save time and money with installation pitfalls, reduce capital expenditure while limiting business interruption.


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Get the peace of mind, quality, reliable service at a reasonable price
